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Retargeting Sequence

Retargeting Sequence

What You Can Request

  • A sequence of 2 - 4 emails aimed at re-engaging inactive subscribers.
  • Emails designed around a specific incentive to reinvigorate interest.
  • A bespoke strategy to reintroduce inactive subscribers to your brand community.

How This Service Works

  • Share insights about your audience, your desired incentive, and the objectives of the reactivation campaign.
  • We curate an engaging email sequence, targeting inactive subscribers with a compelling incentive and a call to action.
  • Your tailored sequence works to bring inactive subscribers back into the fold, enriching your active audience.

Why This Service

  • Re-engage dormant subscribers, growing your active audience.
  • Use professionally created email sequences to re-spark subscriber interest.
  • Maintain a clean email list to improve overall email deliverability and reputation.
  • Reactivation leads to improved brand loyalty and longevity.
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